Our research/project

The project aims to understand the climate and changing climate of the region with particular focus on water resources and its consequences to people and society. Observed hydro-meteorological data and IPCC climate scenarios will be used for runoff simulation and development of future water scenarios using distributed/physical-based hydrological models. Snow statistics will be calculated from MODIS daily product using MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer) Snow Tool and MRT (MODIS Re-projection Tool). Community based adaptation strategies will be developed based on the model outcomes, which will facilitate the countries for informed decision making process.

The overall purpose of this project is to identify and analyse the climate change related issues of the region and disseminate the findings among the scientific and policy communities.

The objectives of this project are to:

1. Develop future run off scenarios under the IPCC scenarios in short term (2020), medium term (2050) and long term (2080)

2. Explore the potential adaptation measures and produce community based adaptation strategies focusing to water resource management

3. Share the research findings among policy makers for decision support system

4. Three case study sites have been chosen for this project namely: Karnali river basin in Nepal, Gilgit river basin in Pakistan, and Gange-Padma river basin in Bangladesh

Photographs from Field
Karnali Basin Field Assessment - 2015/2017

Project Leader

Dr. Madan Lall Shrestha, Advisor, , The Small Earth Nepal (SEN) and Academician, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Nepal


Qurat Ulain Ahmad, Scientific Officer, Water Resources and Glaciology Section, Global Change Impacts Studies Centre (GCISC), Pakistan
Jefferson Metz Fox, Ph.D., Senior Fellow, East-West Centre (EWC) Research Program, USA Jeeban Panthi, , Research Coordinator, The Small Earth Nepal (SEN), Nepal
Md Motalabe Hossain Sarker, Director, Ecology Division, Centre of Environment and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS), Bangladesh
S. M. Ahsanul Aziz, Deputy Director (Climate Change), Department of Environment (DoE), Bangladesh
P. Suneetha, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Department of Meteorology and Oceanography, Andhra University (AU), India

Funding Agency

Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN)

Project Duration

2 years (2013-2015)

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