Our research/project

This project includes comprehensive aspects of water including development of water security maps of core areas of Katmandu valley and its peripheral areas, which have limited energy and water resources. Divided into five components, the projects plans to study the qualitative, quantitative, microbial, health and social aspect of both groundwater and surface water of the valley. Each component is a self-contained group of tasks with outputs and outcomes. Based on this information generated by the research studies, the project aims to develop low cost water treatment plants which will be made up of locally available materials, energy saving, portable and can be maintained locally. The plants will be economically viable and locally acceptable. The project also aims to improve on the efficiency and functionality of the traditional water treatment technologies, with the introduction of biofilm in the filtration system constructed wetlands, and soil/sand filtration. One of the parts of the project is to build up capacity of Nepalese and Japanese students through the trainings, short and long term studies. The program has been supported by Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS), a joint effort of JST-JICA. The project has been a collaborative approach of University of Yamanashi, Japan, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University under the direct supervision of Ministry of Urban Development, Government of Nepal.

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