News & Activities

Training on Google Earth Engine for Environmental Management

On the occasion of World Environment Day 2024 (5 June), The Small Earth Nepal (SEN), Universal Engineering & Science College (UESC), International Center for Applied Sciences (ICAS) and Global Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (GIIS) jointly organized a training program on ‘Google Earth Engine (GEE) for Environmental Management’. Mr. Shirish Maharjan (Research Associate, GIIS) was the resource person and the training was conducted at UESC, Lalitpur. Total of 12 participants from undergraduate and graduate level students participated in the program.

The training was hands-on with live demonstrations, and covered Remote Sensing (RS) as a tool for environmental analysis. The participants learned about cloud-based powerful computational tools like GEE and ESRI online which help resolve the issue of RS data analysis. They also learned scripting, data extraction, and manipulation through the GEE environment using Javascript.

Group photo with participants
Live demonstration of GEE

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