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Talk program: Climate projections using imperfect climate models

On 30 May 2024, The Small Earth Nepal (SEN) and the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) organized a talk program ‘Climate projections using imperfect climate models’ by Dr. Ambarish Karmalkar (Assistant Professor, Department of Geosciences, University of Rhode Island, USA) at DHM, Babarmahal. The talk program was attended by 36 attendees representing officials from the government, I/NGOs, graduate students, and early career professionals.

Dr. Karmalkar’s presentation highlighted his research findings, focused on the Northern United States climate projections using 36 different climate models. The research aimed to test the different climate models in similar scenarios for the upcoming century. Out of 36 models, only 6 models produced better results compared to the historical climate data. He further talked about the evolution of climate modeling, their elements, and the importance of using credible and diverse climate information to work on uncertainty. The good-performing models show that the coastal region of North America will face an increase in temperature by 2 – 4 degrees by the end of the century. Dr. Karmalkar further discussed the changing patterns of the Indian monsoon in the upcoming century. He also shared how most of the models show that the Indian Ocean will be wetter than the Indian Subcontinent.

Dr. Jagdiswor Karmarcharya (Director General, DHM) in his closing remarks encouraged participants to participate more in such programs and to take advantage of the opportunity to network and exchange ideas. Dr. Karmacharya briefly highlighted the current status and upcoming plans of DHM on climate change.

Dr. Karmalkar talking about future projections
Photo: Dr. Karmalkar giving his presentation


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