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SEN and Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) organized Weather Café

Senior scientists and researchers from Nepal working in weather and climate sector gathered today for a Weather Café, an open discussion, to have an insight discussion and networking about the weather forecast and its role in protecting life and property in the context of Nepal with the theme ‘Watching the weather to protect life and property.’ The programme was jointly organized by The Small Earth Nepal (SEN) and Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), Government of Nepal at the seminar hall of SEN, Baneshwor, Kathmandu. The discussion was organized to mark the World Meteorological Day (WMD) and to celebrate the 50 years of World Weather Watch (WWW).

High level government official including the Director General of DHM, Dr. Rishi Ram Sharma, scientists and researchers working in non-governmental agencies in climate sector in Nepal participated in the discussion that was chaired by Prof. Suresh Raj Chalise. The program was moderated by Dr. Arun Bhakta Shrestha, Climate Change Specialist at ICIMOD.

Participants were divided into four groups and four different questions were given to each group for a discussion in a ‘knowledge café’ style. The questions for discussion were:

  1. What scientific and technological innovations are essential to be adopted in the context of Himalaya to improve weather forecasts and climate projections?
  2. How can community knowledge be integrated into scientific knowledge to enhance weather and climate services?
  3. How can weather forecasts and climate projections be made better accessible to common people?
  4. What policy enhancements are necessary to improve the weather services and access of common people to it for effective protection of life and properties?

Participants highlighted the crucial issues in each topic and also suggested the organizers to plan start working to address the issues like cooperation to the weather stakeholders, upgrading the weather forecast technology and capacity building, dissemination of the weather and climate services to the end users in a simplified language, etc.

World Meteorological Organization (WMO), along with its members and the worldwide meteorological community celebrate World Meteorological Day (WMD) in 23 March every year. The Executive Council of WMO announced WMD to build public awareness of the services provided by National Meteorological Services and WMO in 1960. These services involve the observation, collection, processing and dissemination of meteorological, hydrological and other related data and products. The 23rd of March was chosen for the commemoration as it marks the date of entry into force of the WMO Convention in 1950.

The Theme of World Meteorological Day for 2013 was “Watching the weather to protect life and property.” This theme focuses attention on the crucial role of meteorological services in strengthening safety and resilience to weather events. It also pays tribute to the World Weather Watch, a foundation programme of the WMO that will mark its fiftieth anniversary this year.

SEN and DHM have realized the importance of such discussion and have shown their interest to continue such discussion programme among other more stakeholders with better output in coming days.










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