News & Activities

Planet Nepal 2.1: Festival of Arts and Environment

Alliance Francaise de Katmandu and The Small Earth Nepal conducted an event Planet Nepal 2.1: Festival of Arts and Environment from 10 to 13 September, 2013 in Nepal to mark the International year of Water Cooperation. Planet Nepal is being celebrated in Nepal in every two years since 2010. However, Planet Nepal 2.1 is a smaller edition of Planet Nepal 2012 to mark the continuity of actions done by France in Nepal and to raise awareness on the importance of water and advocating for the sustainable management of water resources with a special focus on water cooperation, its challenges and benefits. Various activities of Planet Nepal 2.1 Event were:

Inauguration ceremony

Planet Nepal 2.1: Festival of Arts and Environment was commenced with the inauguration ceremony and opening of Photo Exhibition: Water, Himalayan Treasure by Serge Verliant and Jean Philippe. It was graced by the Chief Guest, Mrs. Virginie Cortecal, Charge d’affaire, French Embassy in Nepal. The ceremony was held on 10 September at Alliance Francaise in Kathmandu, Tripureshwor. The program was attended by representatives from national and international organizations, representatives from French Embassy in Nepal, academicians, students and journalists. Mr. Prabin Bikram Rana, Director adjoint, Alliance Francaise in Kathmandu gave the overview of the event. Mr. Sudarshan Rajbhandari, Vice President, The Small Earth Nepal, Mr. Serge Verliant and Ms. Jean Philippe, French Photographers and Mrs. Virginie Corteval, Charge d’affaire, French Embassy in Nepal gave speech on current issues of water and necessity of hosting such events.

Film Screening and Discussion

Film screening and discussion series was conducted on 11 September to 13 September, 2013 at alliance Française Premises. Ganga- a documentary by Vishwonathan and Adoor Gopal Krishnan was screened on 11 September, 2013. After the 135 long documentary, discussion was followed with Brigitte Chataignier, a French dancer and Mr. Ashutosh Tiwari, Country Director, Water Aid Nepal. The resource persons answered the queries of the participants on the current issues of water and sanitation in Nepal and abroad. Himalaya: The Water Confidence was screened on 13 September, 2013. The documentary was made by Mr. Serge Verliant and Ms. Jean Philippe. The 52 minutes long documentary was again followed by discussion series with the directors of the documentary. School and college students were the main audience for the program along with teachers and representatives of different national and international organizations.

Water Fair

Small water fair was organized as a part of Planet Nepal 2.1: Festival of Arts and Environment. The water fair was held on 13 September, 2013 at Alliance Francaise Premises from 11 am to 3 pm. 10 stalls of different organizations and schools were main attraction of the fair. Center for Integrated Urban Development, One Planet Solutions/Smart Paani, Environment and Public Health Organization, Environment Camps for Conservation and Awareness, Green Business Suppliers, The Small Earth Nepal, Euroguard Domestic Suppliers, NIVA RAIN and Everest English School actively demonstrated their work. The fair was visited by more than 500 students of schools and colleges. The fair ended with certificate distribution to the schools who participated in the pre activities.

Closing and Dance Performance

The four days long event was wrapped-up with the closing ceremony at Russian Cultural Centre, Kamal Pokhari, on 13 September, 2013. The ceremony was marked by the dance performance by Brigitte Chataignier. Her dance was based on the holy river Ganga embracing both Indian and Western choreographic influences and revealing the essential values not only of the Ganga but also of water, and women. Representatives from French Embassy in Nepal, Alliance Francaise in Kathmandu, The Small Earth Nepal and other national and international organizations were the audience for the event.

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