News & Activities

NNWWW 2022

World Water Day 2022 celebration under the theme “Groundwater-Making the Invisible Visible”


World Water Day (WWD) is celebrated on 22nd March every year, as the day to mark the importance of freshwater and advocating for sustainable management of freshwater resources. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in 1992 recommended celebrating the day as an international day for freshwater and 22 March 1993 was designated as the first World Water Day. Each year WWD emphasizes a specific aspect of freshwater. This year UN-Water has dedicated WWD 2022 to the theme “Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible“. The objective of WWD 2022 is to highlight the importance of groundwater and its sustainable use. It encourages actions by governments, organizations, communities, and individuals to actively engage in addressing groundwater management.


The existing knowledge of the groundwater issues in Nepal, future scenarios of the status of groundwater resources will be explored and discussed.

Activities and outreach:

The program will comprise of various presenters who will share their expertise on the subject matter. Estimated number of attendees is around 100, representing government organizations, non-government organizations, academia, civil society, journalism youth and relevant stakeholders.

Program Schedule 

Time: 8:30 AM onwards

Venue: Yellow Pagoda Hotel, Kantipath, Kathmandu, Nepal

Master of Ceremony: Mr. Balkrishna Aryal, Under Secretary, WECS

Time Program Details
8:30-9:15 Breakfast/ Registration of the participants/guests

Dignitaries on the Dias

1. Chairperson: Mr. Dinesh Kumar Ghimire, Secretary, Water and Energy Commission Secretariat

2. Chief Guest: Honorable Pampha Bhusal, Minister, Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation

3. Special Guest: Honorable Umakant Chaudhary, Minister, Ministry of Water Supply

4.          Special Guest: Mr. Ganesh Shah, Former Minister

5.          Special Guest: Mr. Shanker Das Bairagi, Chief Secretary, Government of Nepal.

6.          Special Guest: Mr. Madhav Belbase, Member, Public Service Commission

7.          Special Guest: Dr. Surendra Labh Karna, Member, National Planning Commission

8.          Guest: Mr. Devendra Karki, Secretary, Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation

9.          Guest: Mr. Sagar Kumar Rai, Secretary, Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation

10.      Guest: Mr. Suresh Acharya, Secretary, Ministry of Water Supply

11.      Guest: Dr. Ghanashyam Gurung, Country Director, WWF Nepal.

12.      Guest: Dr. Manohara Khadka, Country Representative, IWMI, Nepal

13.      Guest: Dr. Pema Gyamtsho, Director General, ICIMOD

14.      Guest: Ms. Tripti Rai, Country Representative, WaterAid Nepal

15.      Guest: Dr. Laxman Sharma, Country Water Sector Specialist, ADPC, Nepal

9:25-9:30 National Anthem
9:30-9:35 Welcome Speech by Mr. Saraju Kumar Baidya, Joint Secretary, WECS.
9:35-9:40 Inauguration by watering the flower by the Chief Guest
9:40-9:50 Presentation by Mr. Kalanidhi Poudyal, Joint Secretary, WECS
9:50-9:55 Remarks by Dr. Laxman Sharma, Country Water Sector Specialist, ADPC Nepal
9:55-10:00 Remarks by Ms. Tripti Rai, Country Representative, WaterAid Nepal
10:00-10:05 Remarks by Dr. Pema Gyamtsho, Director General, ICIMOD
10:05-10:10 Remarks by Dr. Manohara Khadka, Country Representative, IWMI, Nepal
10:10-10:15 Remarks by Dr. Ghanashyam Gurung, Country Representatives, WWF Nepal
10:15-10:20 Remarks by Mr. Suresh Acharya, Secretary, Ministry of Water Supply
10:20-10:25 Remarks by Mr. Sagar Kumar Rai, Secretary, Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
10:25-10:30 Remarks by Mr. Devendra Karki, Secretary, Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
10:30-10:35 Remarks by Dr. Surendra Labh Karna Member, National Planning Commission
10:35- 10:40 Remarks by Mr. Madhav Belbase, Member, Public Service Commission
10:40- 10:45 Remarks by Mr. Shanker Das Bairagi, Chief Secretary, Government of Nepal
10:45-10:50 Remarks by Mr. Ganesh Shah, Former Minister
10:50-11:00 Remarks by Honorable Umakant Chaudhary, Minister, Ministry of Water Supply
11:00-11:10 Remarks by Honorable Pampha Bhusal, Minister, Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
11:10-11:20 Chairperson’s Remarks and Closing of the Inaugural Session by Mr. Dinesh Kumar Ghimire, Secretary WECS
11:20-11:30 Tea Break
Technical Session (Chairperson: Dr. Dibya Ratna Kanskar)
11:30-11:40 Groundwater Governance, Mr. Bishnu Belbase, Executive Director, Groundwater Resources Development Board
11:40-11:50 The beacon project; Case study in knowledge transfer on borehole construction and its management in Lahan, Mr. Dharma Ratna Chitrakar, Beacon Technical Manager, WaterAid Nepal
11:50-12:00 Groundwater, Climate Adaptation and Resilience, Dr. Laxman Sharma, ADPC Nepal
12:00-12:10 Climate Change, Water Resources and Food Security in Nepal, Dr. Santosh Nepal, IWMI Nepal
12:10-12:20 Q & A session
12:20-12:30 Chairperson’s Remarks

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