News & Activities

NNWWW 2018


Since its inception the Nepal National Water and Weather Week (NNWWW) has successfully made a mark on the environmental calendar. The weeklong event (March 17– 23), basically highlights two of the most important days celebrated worldwide, namely World Water Day (March 22) and World Meteorological Day (March 23). World Water Day is celebrated every year on 22nd of March by the people all across the world. It was first officially added in the schedule 21 of the year 1992 “United Nations Conference on Environment and Development” in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. However, the celebration started from the year 1993 to motivate the general public and get their support in water conservation by avoiding the use of their taps for whole day. Similarly, the United Nations (UN) World Meteorological Day is celebrated on March 23 annually, to honor the establishment of World Meteorological Organization in 1950.

The theme designated for the World Water Day 2018 is “Nature for Water”, which intends on exploring nature-based solutions to the water challenges we face today. World Water Day 2018 ’Nature for Water’ will showcase the potential of nature-based solutions for water and how they can be considered for water management policy and practice. Nature-based solutions play a crucial in solving many of our water challenges. It takes into account the efforts put by individuals to harmonize ‘green’ infrastructure with ‘grey’ infrastructure wherever possible. This can be achieved by planting new forests, reconnecting rivers to floodplains and restoring wetlands which will rebalance the water cycle and improve human health and livelihoods.

The theme for World Meteorological Day 2018 is “Weather Ready, Climate Smart”, that requires decision-makers to build societal resilience in the face of weather extremes and a changing climate. People everywhere can benefit from an integrated approach that combines timely and user-friendly forecasts with effective warning systems and enhanced preparedness. Our weather and climate services must also respond to new human vulnerabilities resulting from mass migration, the expansion of megacities and other socio-economic trends of the 21st century.

Over the years, the Small Earth Nepal (SEN) has taken the responsibility of carefully gathering more than 50 organizations including governmental agencies, I/NGOs, private sectors, academia, media houses which have been selflessly committed in making the NNWWW a grand success from its inception. Also, the Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS), representing the Government of Nepal, has chaired the consortium since 2008. The event provides a fruitful opportunity for participants to discuss sensitive issues, exchange ideas and regulate policy issues related to the sectors of water and weather. Acknowledging these matters, a week long program under the title “Nepal National Water and Weather Week-2018 (NNWWW-2018)” has been proposed to take place from March 17 – 23, 2018.

Activities before Water and Weather Week

Date Program/Activities Coordinated by
February 15 onwards Photo and Video Competition On the theme ‘Nature for Water’ NNWWW
First week of March Painting Competition for School Students NNWWW
March 15(Thursday) Press Meet and Press Release NNWWW

Activities on Water and Weather Week

Date Programs/Activities Coordinated by
17 March (Saturday) Inauguration of NNWWW 2018Walkathon (Prabhatpheri)


Walk for Water

18 March (Sunday) मौसम १.0 (National Hydro-Meteorological Exhibition -2018) SOM/NNWWW
19 March (Monday) Visit to Dhaap-A Wetland in Chisapani NNWWW
20 March (Tuesday) Ninth National Groundwater Symposium

Workshop on Water Resources Management and Climate Change in Kathmandu Valley


Ministry of Education/UNESCO Hydrology

21 March (Wednesday) SDG Confab: Reviewing Status and Synergize Effort on Nepal’s Sustainable Development Goals on SDG-6 and SDG-13 NNWWW/WaterAid Nepal
22 March (Thursday) Symposium on Management of Water Resources in Federal System in Nepal WECS/NNWWW/
23 March (Friday) National Symposium on Hydrology and Meteorology-2018 to celebrate World Meteorological Day 2018Formal closing session of NNWWW 2018 DHM/DHM Regional Offices/SOHAM/SENNNWWW

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