News & Activities

NNWW 2012


Each year 22 March is commemorated as the World Water Day focusing an attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. An international day to celebrate freshwater was recommended at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in 1992. The United Nations General Assembly responded by designating 22 March 1993 as the first World Water Day. Each year, World Water Day highlights a specific aspect of freshwater. This year UN-Water dedicated World Water Day 2012 (WWD 2012) to the theme Water and Food Security.

The objective of WWD 2012 is to focus international attention on the impact of global changes like climate change and pollution to water resources and their implications to food security. It will encourage action by governments, organizations, communities, and individuals around the world to actively engage in addressing urban water management challenges.

Each year, on 23 March, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the worldwide meteorological community celebrate World Meteorological Day (WMD) around a chosen theme. This day commemorates the entry into force, on that date in 1950, of the WMO Convention creating the organization. Subsequently, in 1951, WMO was designated a specialized agency of the United Nations System.

To commemorate these two days in Nepal, a week-long activity is being organized since 2008 under an umbrella network of Nepal National Water Week with the chairmanship of Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS), Government of Nepal (GoN). With this context, this year too, a week-long program entitled “Nepal National Water Week-2012 (NNWW-2012)” has been celebrated from 17 to 23 March 2012 as globally important days in Nepal.

Various activities of NNWW-2012 are:

Pre-Week Activities

Press Meet

The Press-meet of Nepal National Water Week 2012 was held at the WECS meeting hall on 2 March, 2012. The main objective was to highlight the theme, objectives and share proposed programs for the World Water Day celebration. The press meet started with welcome remarks from Dr. Ravi Sharma Aryal, Spokesperson of NNWW 2012 and Joint Secretary of WECS. Dr. Aryal highlighted objectives and importance of the upcoming programs of NNWW 2012. Mr. Sudharshan Rajbhandari, secretariat of NNWW 2012 and Vice President of SEN, presented shortly on backtracking of World Water Day Celebration and activities of past three years. Mr. Rajbhandari also highlighted proposed activities of NNWW 2012. Altogether 18 journalists were present during the press meet for the news dissemination.

Facebook Photography Competition

As a part of Nepal National Water Week 2012 The Small Earth Nepal organized Facebook photography competition from 6-13 th March 2012. All together 32 photographers were submitted in this competition among which 27 photographs were selected and posted on NNWW page in facebook. The first prized was won by Mr. Ankit Bilash Joshi,  second prize by Mr. Bhoj Raj Dahal and third prize by Miss. Anita Shrestha.

Week-long Activities

Nepal National Water Week 2012 commenced with the inauguration ceremony and it was graced by the Chief Guest, Honorable Minister Posta Bahadur Bogati, Minister of Energy by pouring water into the plant pot. The ceremony was held on 17 March at Nepal Tourism Board, Bhrikutimandap.

Two-Days Training on “Water Sampling, Analysis”

A two-days training on “Water Sampling, Analysis Training Workshop” was conducted from 19 -20 March 2012 to the Bachelor level students. The training aims to capacitate students on water quality and related issues and also to intensify discussion on water related issues. The training capacitated 23 students of Environmental Science from various colleges.  The program was jointly organized by The Small Earth Nepal (SEN), Centre of Research for Environment Energy and Water (CREEW) and Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO).

Observational Field Visit to Drinking (Jar) Water Treatment Plant and Department of Food Technology and Quality Control

An observational field visit to Aqua Hundred Pvt.Ltd: a jar water treatment plant and Department of Food Technology and Quality Control was conducted for students and related stakeholders on 20 March. 25 participants from different colleges and organizations joined the visit with The Small Earth Nepal.

Third National Groundwater Symposium on Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of Groundwater Resources of the Kathmandu Valley

The third National Groundwater Symposium was organized to mark The World Water Day on 22 March at Indreni Complex, Baneshwor. The symposium was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Ms. Brinda Hada Bhattarai, Secretary, Ministry of Irrigation. Ms. Bhattarai  launched the book entitled “Kathmandu Valley Groundwater Outlook” and the Proceeding of the 2nd National Groundwater Symposium organized in 2011. The objectives of groundwater symposium were to share research works and study related to Groundwater of Kathmandu valley, its issues and opportunities. The program was jointly organized by The Small Earth Nepal (SEN), in collaboration with Center of Research for Environment Energy and Water (CREEW), and Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO).

Closing Ceremony

The week-long event wrapped-up with the closing ceremony at Everest hotel on 22 March, 2012. The ceremony was chaired by Mr. Bishwa Prakash Pandit, Secretary, WECS and Chairperson of NNWW 2012. Chief Guest, Mr. Om Prakash Yadav, Honorable Minister of State, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives graced the program and awarded prizes to the winners of facebook photography competition and Letter of Appreciation to all the sponsors, supporter of the event to make the week long program a successful event.

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