News & Activities

NNWWW 2023

Nepal National Water and Weather Week (2023)


World Water Day (WWD) is observed annually on March 22 as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.

Agenda 21, a worldwide action plan for areas where human activities may affect the environment, was adopted at the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June 1992. One of the resolutions of the Conference was to create World Water Day. The following United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution on December 22, 1992, declaring March 22 the World Day for Water each year The first World Day for Water was observed in 1993.

Since then, each year, World Water Day (WWD) is observed on a theme designed by UN-Water highlighting each year a specific aspect of freshwater. It encourages action by governments, organizations, communities, and individuals around the world to actively engage in addressing water issues and management challenges. The theme of WWD this year is “Accelerating Change”.

The United Nation (UN)’s World Meteorological Day (WMD) on the other hand is the International Day to commemorate the establishment of World Meteorological Organizations within the UN on March 23, 1950. The Day is observed by carrying out various activities related to meteorology, climate and environment. The theme of WMD 2023 is “The Future of Weather, Climate and Water across generations”

In Nepal, these two International Days have been combined and are being observed with week-long various programs and activities under the banner of Nepal National Water and Weather Week (NNWWW). Until 2009, these International Days used to be commemorated by different organizations working in the water sector through different activities. However, there was lacking of a joint effort of all stakeholders to come up in a single platform to advocate water issues in Nepal for better management of freshwater resources and sustainable utilization. Realizing the lacking The Small Earth Nepal (SEN) along with Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS)/GoN initiated to connect all water stakeholders at a common platform through NNWWW, a national-level network of water stakeholders to commemorate WWD, to initiate dialogue on water issues in a joint effort since 2009. The NNWWW is chaired by WECS where over 45 organizations including governmental and non-governmental agencies and private sectors, academia and youth led organizations involve together. SEN has been serving as the secretariat for NNWWW since its beginning. The event is a common platform to share and discuss the various issues related to water and weather, and come up with some policy resolutions.


NNWWW focuses on celebrating World Water Day (22 March) and World Meteorological Day (March 23) together through a week-long water-related policy dialogues, research, workshops, advocacy, and awareness events in Nepal. The NNWWW aims to celebrate the days nationwide and advocate it in a joint effort from various sectors. The major objectives of the NNWWW are: to intensify the discussion on water-related issues focusing on water and sustainable management of water resources in Nepal, to make aware related stakeholders, from policymakers to the general public of the importance of sustainable management of water, and to bring together the organizations and institutes working in water and environment sectors in a single platform to establish an umbrella organization, proposed as Nepal Water Forum, to bridge the gap among organization in Nepal and as a Government’s water focal point.


Activities of the NNWWW are categorized into four themes: awareness, capacity building, research, and advocacy. Awareness-raising activities are designed mainly for the general public and school students. However, some of the awareness activities are also focused on the policymakers to enhance their knowledge of understanding. University students are involved in capacity-building and research projects. Advocacy activities are targeted to policymakers mainly lawmakers and bureaucrats with the involvement of various stakeholders.

Activities before Water and Weather Week

Date Program/Activities
February 10 onwards Photography, Video and Painting competition on ‘Accelerating Change’
March 8 Celebrating International Women Day 2023; Panel discussions on “Roles of women and girls in ending the digital gender divide”
March 15 Press Meet and Press Release

Activities on Water and Weather Week

Date Programs/Activities
17 March Inauguration program of NNWWW 2023/A Multi-stakeholder Knowledge Forum on Accelerating Change in a Federal Nepal through Transformative Actions for Inclusive Water Management
18 March Podcast Session

19 March Training for the Graduates Students (Spatial Tools in Water Resources Management)
20 March 11th National Symposium on Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of Groundwater Resources of the Nepal
21 March Media dialogue: Role of Media in communicating science to the public
22 March
  1. National Workshop to celebrate World Water Day 2023
  2. Awareness programs among the eco clubs of schools and local communities of Bajhang and Bajura (L-EVO project)
23 March
  1. Nature’s Classroom: “An Educational Visit to the ICIMOD Living Mountain LAb at Godawari For Graduate Students” on the occasion of World Meteorological Day 2023
  2. World Meteorological Day 2023 Celebration Programme at Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (CDHM), TU

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