News & Activities

Knowledge Sharing Meeting

The Small Earth Nepal (SEN) in collaboration with WWF Nepal organized a “Knowledge Sharing Meeting” among the school teachers of Kathmandu valley on 30 March 2012. The program was organized to provide a common platform for the school teachers to share the knowledge and experiences regarding environment related school activities and programs. The meet was also to fill the gap between school, its activities and concerned stakeholders.  The program was designed in such a way that active schools can share their environment related programs and also to motivate those schools who haven’t initiated such activities.

About 25 schools of Kathmandu valley participated in the program. The program started with a welcome speech by Ms. Soni Aryal, Program Officer, SEN. The program’s coordinator Ms. Aryal also gave her presentation on the introduction of the program and highlighted the objectives of the program. Mr. Jagadish Parajuli, Conservation Education and Advocacy Officer from WWF Nepal gave his presentation on WWF Nepal’s engagement on conservation education. Similarly, Mr. Sudarshan Rajbhandari, Vice President, SEN gave his presentation on SEN and the Schools. The program was continued with the sharing of the participating schools about the activities like awareness programs, action based programs, idea exchanging programs which were being carried out in their schools. Most schools found the meeting a best opportunity to share what they have been doing as part of the conservation education.

After the sharing, the teachers were then divided into three groups for the group discussion on the topic “How to Move A head”. A representative from each group then gave a presentation of the group work and shared their ideas of how to move ahead in implementing the activities discussed in the program.

At the end of the program, Mr. Rajbhandari gave the concluding remarks of the program followed by the vote of thanks by Ms. Manisha Joshi, Project Assisstant, SEN.

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