News & Activities

Improving snow and glacial representation in hydrological and flood forecasting models

The Small Earth Nepal (SEN) and UNESCO Nepal conducted the interaction program on “Improving glacial representation in hydrological and flood forecasting models” at the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) on 20 July 2022.

The program was attended by 36 participants, most scholars and officials from the government of Nepal, universities, research, and private organizations. These included DHM, Water and Environment Commission Secretariat (WECS), Water Resource Research and Development Center (WRRDC), Department of Forests and Soil Conservation (DoFSC), Kathmandu University, Nepal Engineering College, Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (CDHM) and Institute of Engineering (IOE), Tribhuvan University, Ehime University – Japan, Shell Engineering Consultancy, LTRC Pvt. Ltd., Shree RS Engineering Solution Pvt. Ltd., Society of Hydrologists and Meteorologists (SOHAM) – Nepal, International Water Management Institute (IWMI) – Nepal, UNESCO – Nepal, and SEN.

Opening remarks from Mr. Bikram Zoowa, Senior Divisional Hydrologist at DHM was followed by his presentation on the activities of DHM in Flood Forecasting and Early Warning System (FFEWS). Mr. Zoowa shared that over the last three decades DHM has made improvements in FFEWS using satellite modeling for forecasting and telecommunication mediums for Early Warning System (EWS). His presentation ended with a sharing a study on Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) risk reduction.

Dr. Surendra Adhikari from JPL/NASA discussed the dynamic state estimation of the Greenland Ice sheet till 2025. The study dealt with the release and retention of meltwater by glaciers which could be used for GLOF prediction and risk reduction.

Dr. Dhiraj Pradhananga, Associate Professor at Tribhuvan University gave a presentation on mountain water sustainability in Nepal and called for collaboration among the organizations and researchers in hydrological and flood forecasting modeling research in Nepal. He also shared his learning of the ‘rain-on-snow’ event that triggered catastrophic flooding in Bow River in Alberta, Canada on 19 June 2013.

Dr. Rijan Bhakta Kayastha, Professor at Kathmandu University, presented the Glacio-hydrological Degree-day Model v1.1 (GDM) and its use in his glacial hydrological model.

Ms. Sijal Pokhrel, Natural Science Officer, UNESCO-Nepal gave her closing remarks where she stated that UNESCO is always ready to support scientific research and programs that benefit society and culture.

Ms. Sijal Pokhrel with the closing remarks
Dr. Dhiraj Pradhananga calling for collaborations
Dr. Surendra Adhikari discussing on glacial dynamics

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