News & Activities

Final Sharing Workshop of LEVO Project Concluded in Dadeldhura

The final sharing workshop of the “Landslide Environmental Virtual Observatories (LEVO)” project implemented by The Small Earth Nepal (SEN) and UNESCO concluded successfully, with active participation from a diverse group of stakeholders, including local community members, local government officials, teachers, students, representatives from various civil society organizations (CSOs) and held at Dadeldhura on 30th May 2023. The workshop accommodated 30 participants. The objective of the workshop was to share the overall progress of the project and to inform the stakeholders.

The chief guest of the program was Mr. Ram Bahadur Baniya, Mayor of Budhiganga Municipality, Bajura, the special guest was Mr. Dil Bahadur Raut, Chairperson of Khaptda Chhededaha Rural Municipality, and was chaired by Dr. Dhiraj Pradhananga, President SEN. The program was moderated by Mr. Tribikram Basnet, Research Assistant, SEN. The workshop began with a welcome by Ms. Inu Khadka, Finance and Administration Coordinator, SEN to all the participants, followed by the screening of the project video and the playing of the radio program (jingles for awareness on disaster risk reduction) developed by the project. Ms. Nicky Shree Shrestha, Program Development Coordinator, SEN presented SEN’s vision, mission, goal, and priority working areas and LEVO project activities and outputs focusing on the key aspects of the project. The LEVO project’s initiatives and achievements were shared during the workshop.

Er. Kajol Basnet, Project Research Assistant, SEN delivered a presentation on the use of vetiver plants for mitigation of landslides. She discussed the characteristics and requirements of vetiver in landslide-prone areas, highlighting successful implementation in various regions. A group discussion session was conducted with four distinct groups: Government, Community members and CSOs, Teachers, Youths, and Students. Each group shared their unique perspectives and discussed promoting eco club activities and emphasized the importance of scientific approaches and collaboration with organizations like SEN to address the challenges of landslides.

The chief guest of the program highlighted the impact of climate change, focusing on the risks of landslides and floods. He added that such programs should be continued and requested participants and stakeholders to collaborate in moving forward in the coming days. Dr. Dhiraj Pradhananga, President, SEN, in his closing remarks, expressed gratitude to participants and highlighted the workshop as a collective effort. He stressed the importance of sustaining eco club activities and partnerships among local bodies, schools, and students for disaster risk reduction.

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