News & Activities

Field assessment of hazard and risks in Kamala and Lal Bakaiya Rivers

The Small Earth Nepal (SEN) with the financial support from International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and with support from Community Development and Advocacy Forum Nepal (CDAFN), Mahottari district and Mandwi “empowering women”, Rautahat district conducted field assessment of the scoping study of hazard and risks in Kamala and Lal Bakaiya watersheds. The scoping study aims at identifying too much and too little water related risks in the Kamala and Lal Bakiya rivers for the implementation of Community-Based Flood Early Warning System (CBFEWS). CDAFN and Mandwi supported the team from SEN and ICIMOD for the entire local coordination for the field assessment in Kamala and Lal Bakaiya watersheds. The field assessment covered district consultation workshops with the local stakeholders using tools such as PRA and SWOT, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) using checklists, flood risks mapping exercise and field site observations in flood risk areas and potential sites for CBFEWS. Before moving to the field the team prepared the flood hazard maps for both river systems using the HEC-RAS modeling tool.

Site Visit at Lal Bakaiya Watershed

District Consultation Workshop at Lal Bakaiya Watershed

Women focused Focus Group Discussion at Kamala Watershed

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