News & Activities

Celebrating Nepal National Water and Weather Week 2016

To commemorate World Water Day and World Meteorological Day in Nepal, different organizations including governmental agencies, non-government organizations, academic institutes and professional societies have been organizing a week long programs since 2008 under an umbrella network of Nepal National Water and Weather Week with the chairmanship of Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS), Government of Nepal. With this context, a week long program from 17 to 23 March 2016 under the title “Nepal National Water and Weather Week – 2016 (NNWWW-2016)” will be organized to celebrate these globally important days in Nepal.

International World Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. An international day to celebrate freshwater was recommended at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in 1992. The United Nations General Assembly responded by designating 22 March 1993 as the first World Water Day. Each year, World Water Day highlights a specific aspect of freshwater. This year UN-Water has dedicated World Water Day 2016 (WWD 2016) with the theme water and job. The theme in 2016 — water and jobs — is focusing on how enough quantity and quality of water can change workers’ lives and livelihoods – and even transform societies and economies.

Each year, on 23 March, the World Meteorological Organization and the worldwide meteorological community celebrate World Meteorological Day around a chosen theme. This day commemorates the entry into force, on that date in 1950, of the WMO Convention creating the Organization. Subsequently, in 1951, WMO was designated a specialized agency of the United Nations System. This year the theme for World Meteorological Day is “Hotter, Drier, Wetter, Face the Future”.

The events of this year’s NNWWW-2016 includes scientific workshop on thematic issues, film festival, symposium on sustainable management of ground water, talk programs, Bagmati water quality mapping, photography competition and many more.

Activities before Water and Weather Week

Date Program/Activities Responsibility Remarks
February 10 onwards Photography, Video and Photo Story  competition on ‘Water for Livelihood’ SEN Winners of each category will be awarded
First week of March Water quality mapping at some definite spots alongside the Bagmati river as a continuous program since 2007, 2011  SEN The findings will be shared in the closing ceremony, either through poster presentation or via a 5-minutes presentation
March 15 Press Meet and Press Release NNWWW 2016 At WECS meeting hall

 Activities on Water and Weather Week

Date Programs/Activities Responsibility Remarks
17 March  a. Inauguration of NNWWW 2016 by bicycle rally with symbolic blue gears such as blue cap, T shirts or cycle band with few speechesb. Walkathonc.  Formal Inauguration Program


d. Documentary/Talk programs









DOM/SOM/SOHAMJawalakhel (7:30 AM) to NTB (8:30 AM)  PremisesAround 3 km (35 mins) Starts at 7:30 Inauguration program at the NTB Hall at 9-11 AMTri-chandra College from 11 AM-2 PM18 March Educational visit to Kakani to observe the fish farming as an emerging water based entrepreneurshipDocumentary Show /Talk programsWECS/SENDOM/SOM/SOHAMTri-chandra Collegefrom 11 AM-2 PM19 MarchParticipation in Bagmati Cleanup CampaignWECS/ NNWWW 2016NNWWW 2016 banner will be kept at the cleanup site20 Marcha.       7th  National Symposium on Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of Groundwater Resources of the Nepalb.      Meteorological Station and Forecasting Center Visit (Media or Students)CREEW/SEN/ ENPHODHM/SOHAMHotel RadissonTribhuvan International Airport(Max 50 persons)20 MarchDissemination of New Year  greetings with leafletVia social media (without printing) 20 MarchMotivational Training on Rainwater Harvesting for schools and colleges principalsSEN/ Smart PanniAt Smart Paani Office building21 Marcha.     Awareness programs on importance of wetland for the social science students through a field visit to one of the ponds within Kathmandu valley.b.    Media Interactionc.    Interaction programme with stakeholders  Women, Water and JobsPresentations from women from different arenasLaunch of publications SEN/NTNCDHM/SOHAM/CDHM/DOM

Water Aid NepalNagdahaReporters ClubWaterAid Nepal LeadWithWAN partners: BASE, CIUD, ENPHO, FEDO, FEDWASUN, KIRDARC, Lumanti, NEWAH, UEMS21 MarchProgram  with DWSS and SOPHENKey involvement of WAN21 March 201622 MarchAwareness programs among the eco clubs of schools and local communities of Dudhkoshi and Indrabati Sub BasinWWF Nepal/ WECSA joint program of WWF Nepal and WECS under the Koshi River Basin Management Project22 March#Blue for WaterHoli – Public HolidaySocial Media Campaign22 March 201623 Marcha.       Thematic Workshop on Water and Job with special focus on hydropower and similar burning issuesb.      National Workshop on the occasion of World Water Day and World Meteorological Dayc.       Formal closing sessionNNWWW 2016DHM/SOHAM/SEN

First half day for World Water DayandSecond half dayfor World Meteorological Daywith dinner


March 17 to 23 ENPHO’s week long program on various issues of water coinciding with NNWWW 2016 as a part of the organization’s silver jubilee celebration ENPHO Find more information about the programs at

3.Post Water Week

29-31 March 2016 NAST Conference: Science Technology and Innovation for Nepal’s Graduation to Developing Country Status NAST Knowledge Forum discussions – Water Security with Meta meta/Cocoon research update can be shared


For more information please contact:

Niranjan Bista,

Senior Program Officer, The Small Earth Nepal

Contact: 01-4252077, Email:

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