News & Activities

NNWW 2014


World Water Day is celebrated annually on 22 March for focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating the sustainable management of freshwater resources. This international day was recommended at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the Earth Summit. The United Nations General Assembly responded by designating 22 March 1993 as the first World Water Day. Each year, World Water Day highlights a specific aspect of freshwater. This year UN-Water has dedicated World Water Day 2014 to the theme Water and Energy. In 2014, the UN System – working closely with its member states and other
relevant stakeholders – is collectively bringing its attention to the water-energy nexus, particularly addressing inequities, especially for the ‘bottom billion’ who live in slums and impoverished rural areas and survive without access to safe drinking water, adequate sanitation, sufficient food and energy services.
Each year, on 23 March, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the worldwide meteorological communities celebrate World Meteorological Day (WMD) around a chosen theme. This day commemorates the entry into force, on that date in 1950, of the WMO Convention creating the organization. Subsequently, in 1951, WMO was designated a specialized agency of the United Nations System. To commemorate these two very important days in Nepal, different organizations including governmental agencies, I/NGOs, private sectors, academia, media houses have been organizing a week long programs since 2008 under an umbrella network of Nepal National Water Week. With this context, a week long program from 17 March to 23 March, 2014 under the title “Nepal National
Water Week – 2014 (NNWW-2014)” has been proposed.

Activities of Nepal National Water Week 2014 

2.1 Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony of Nepal National Water Week 2014 was held on 17th March, 2014 at National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC) hall. The chief guest for the ceremony was Honorable Minister of Energy Ms. Radha Gyawali. The program was attended by more than hundred participants from representatives of different government and non government organizations, government officials, university students, etc.


2.2National Water Café 2014

When it comes about water and energy, young generation are more vulnerable to the ongoing crisis. In order to raise young people voices for water and energy, Nepal Tunza Youth Environment Network (NTYEN) organized National Water Café 2014 as an activity of NNWW 2014 to collect children voices and demands and incorporate the outcome to POST 2015 Agenda. Water Café was organized in school of Bhaktapur, Chitwan, Pokhara and Bhairahawa between 19 to 22 March 2014.


2.3 Visit to the first hydro power project of Nepal, Pharping

Nepal National Water Week organized a visit to Chandrajyoti Hydroelectric Power Station in Pharping, Lalitpur to celebrate World Water Day 2014. The visit was arranged for university students to provide information on hydro power project and its basic operations. It is the first hydropower station in Nepal and second in Asia established by Rana Prime Minister Chandra Shamsher in 1911 with the aid from British Government.


2.4 Training on “Application of GIS in Water Resource Management” for graduate students

Nepal National Water Week provided training on Application of GIS in Water Resource Management to graduate students. The training was held from 18 March to 21 March, 2014 at the Training Hall of The Small Earth Nepal.

2.5 Training on rainwater harvesting for School and College Principals in Kathmandu Valley

In order to sensitize schools on the water conservation issue and assist the responsible authorities (principals), NNWW organized a one day training program on “Rainwater Harvesting for School and College Principals of Kathmandu Valley”.  Twenty schools and College Principals were provided with the training followed by field visit to Everest English School, Bhaktapur.


2.6 Fifth National symposium on Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of Groundwater Resources of Nepal

Fifth symposium on groundwater management of Nepal was organized on 21 March 2014. In the symposium, papers from early career scientists, and university researchers were presented and discussion on the theme for better policy formulation was done among groundwater experts.


2.7 National Workshop on Climate, Water and Energy Nexus: Identifying Gaps and Synergizing Knowledge

The workshop was organized on 22 March 2014 to mark the World Water Day 2014.The existing knowledge of the climate, its impacts on hydrology and the current status of hydropower, future scenarios of climate and river runoff and projection of energy demand was explored and discussed. The target stakeholders were policy makers, researchers, academia, power companies, universities and others.


2.8 Weather Café: Celebrating World Meteorological Day

Weather Café was organized at Department of Meteorology, TriChandra Multiple Campus on 23 March, 2014 to mark World Meteorological Day 2014.  It provided a common forum to scientists and researchers to share their experiences on the evolution, status and challenges of weather forecasts in Nepal and their role in climate change adaptation with special focus to water and water related impacts of climate change.


2.9 An Interaction with Constitution Assembly (CA) members on water and energy nexus

An interaction program was organized on 27 March 2014 for constitution assembly members. The interaction was based on the theme water and energy nexus. Different organizations including power companies, participated in the Interaction Program.


3.0 Closing Ceremony

The closing ceremony of Nepal National Water Week 2014 was held on 27 March 2014 at The Everest Hotel. The organizing committee thanked all for the participation and their support. The supporters were thanked and awarded with Certificate of Appreciation.

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