News & Activities

Users’ Survey: Waste-to-Energy Program for Indigenous Communities in Karnali Province

The Small Earth Nepal (SEN), in collaboration with K P Byabasayik Sewa (KPBS) and Barahtaal Rural Municipality (RM) in Surkhet district, conducted two days Users’ Survey of the project ‘Waste-to-Energy’ on 2– 3 June 2022.

The survey was conducted with the Raji community of 25 HHs in Kuta (2 June) and 15 HHs in Upper Taranga (3 June) villages in Barahtaal RM. The survey gathered beneficiaries’ views and feedback on the biogas plants supported by the project. They were able to turn waste to energy, which for them was very fascinating. The biogas users of both villages were very satisfied with the biogas plants as they did not need to forge for fuelwood these days. They needed less cooking time and were free from smoke and soot. They have started using their free time on developing other skills like tailoring, farming, animal husbandry, and small-scale startups.

Orientation to the surveyors before moving to the project site

Conducting users’ survey at Kuta

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