News & Activities

Training on Data Analysis for Climate and Climate Change Studies

A five–day long training program on “Data Analysis for Climate and Climate Change Studies” was successfully completed on Friday 19th August with a ceremony to award certificates to the participants. The training program, conducted at The Small Earth Nepal’s meeting hall in Kathmandu was designed and delivered to provide the participants an insight into the basic statistical concepts and climate indices for climate data analysis, data assimilation, data units, data handling and spatial climate data analysis.

Former Director General of the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) and Academician of the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology Dr. Madan Lall Shrestha; Prof. Mr. Lochan Prasad Devkota, Head, Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Tribhuwan University; and Mr.Saraju Kumar Baidya, Chief Climate and Meteorological Data Management Sections of DHM served as the resource persons for the training program.

As per the post-training assessment of the participants, the training has proved to be an excellent opportunity to understand various aspects of data analysis for climate change research. Seventeen mid-career professional staff and entry level researchers drawn from various universities, colleges, INGOs and NGOs attended the training program. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) provided partial funding to organize the training program.

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