News & Activities

The Small Earth Nepal Supported a Community Library in Chitwan

The Small Earth Nepal (SEN) collected, delivered and handed over seven hundred and eight books to Gardi Community Library at Gardi, Madi VDC of Chitwan district, Nepal. Based on the concept of reuse, the used books were collected from various schools, colleges and individuals. Some publication houses and government offices also made their contribution by providing books. The collection covered wide range of subjects from literature to science and technology.

Mr. Sudarshan Rajbhandari, Vice President of SEN, officially handed over the books to the President of the library board, Mr. Bharat P. Timilsina. Mr. Arun P. Bhattarai, Program Coordinator, SEN, Ms. Bindu Mahato, Vice President, Ms. Ram Chandra Chaudhary, Secretary, Mr. Chirinjibi, Vice Secretary and other officials of the library board were also present at the program.

Ms. Selina Manadhar and Ms. Shivani Luitel, the students of Thames International College who were doing internship in SEN, were actively involved in this project of supporting the library.

With the support of Read Nepal, the library has recently been opened for the community of Madi VDC as the first public library of the area. It has been expected that about 60,000 people of the VDC will receive the direct benefit from the library and that such initiation help promote the educational program of the area. According to the officials, the community library has been providing a large impact in the area as the library has observed the highest number of 340 visitors per day.

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