News & Activities

SEN celebrated World Environment Day 2014 with school students

The Small Earth Nepal (SEN) celebrated World Environment Day (WED) 2014 with the school students of Ishwori Lower Secondary School, government school, located at Chilaune village of Sundrijal Village Development Committee (VDC). The program was focused on raising awareness among the students and teachers of the school about the various environmental issues such as climate change, solid waste management and importance of nature conservation. In this connection, about seventy five students were motivated to raise their voices to their parents, communities for environment conservation.

SEN has been working in promoting sustainable lifestyles since 2001 and the working approach is interlinking Scientists-Teacher-Students (STS) network for disseminating the information. The students and teachers were sensitized in solid waste management, nature conservation, building effective communication through quiz, interaction and games. The participants were trained about how to prepare homemade refrigerator using the low cost and easily available materials. Few hands on techniques on solid waste management were shared as in the Best from Waste project. The school level program was followed by green excursion to the nearby location to identify the existing conservation practices.

The students were also encouraged to initiate environment based club and to carry out various activities under the club.
The theme of this year’s WED is ‘Raise your voice not the sea level.’

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