News & Activities

SEN Helps Earthquake Affected School Children

The Small Earth Nepal (SEN) provides  school uniform to the earthquake affected students of Shree Bishwamitra Ganesh Secondary School. This school is situated in the southeast part, Jyamirkot of the Mahalaxmi Municipality in Lalitpur district. The students who were provided with the uniform were from classes 4 to 10 and were highly affected by the recent earthquake in Nepal. Most of the students were from the minorities communities. Therefore, in collaboration with school, SEN initiated this support and was believed that the students will be able to attend the school regularly.

In the uniform distribution program, the Principal of the school Mr. Thakur Prasad Upadhya thanked the SEN for such wonderful contribution for their students. In the program, Mr. Sudarshan Rajbhandari, Vice President of SEN, said that SEN will try to support the school and students in upcoming days too.

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