News & Activities

Workshop on Nature Photography: Connecting People to Nature

The Small Earth Nepal (SEN) in partnership with International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) organized one day workshop on Nature Photography’ in ICIMOD Knowledge Park, Lalitpur, on 3 June 2017, on the occasion of World Environment Day (WED)-2017. The theme of WED this year is “Connecting People to Nature“.

The workshop was started with the welcome speech by Mr. Niranjan Bista, SEN, which was followed by technical part of the workshop, led by Mr. Nabin Baral, resource person for the workshop. In technical session, participants learned various skills and techniques about photography. Altogether 20 graduate students and professionals working in the field related to nature took part in the training.

After the technical session, as a part of the workshop, participants were taken to a guided tour around the Knowledge Park where they learned photography skills in the real ground under the guidance of Mr. Baral and tested their skills taking several photographs. At the end of the day, participants submitted their one best photo taken around the Knowledge Park for competition. Among the submitted photos, 10 best photos were selected by judges for publication.

These selected photos were exhibited at the ICIMOD Knowledge Park where the Knowledge Park Stakeholder’s Consultation was organized by ICIMOD on 5 June 2017. Of the total 10 best photos, judges selected top three photos as the winners and the winners were awarded with cash prizes and certificate on 5 June. Dr. David Molden, Director General, ICIMOD; Mr. KP Acharya, Director General, Forest Department, Government of Nepal; and Mr. Gajendra Maharjan, Mayor, Godavari Municipality, handed over the prize to the three best nature photographers. The winners of the competition were:

  1. Mr. Bivek Gautam, Tribhuvan University
  2. Mr. Hari Basnet, Small Mammals Conservation and Research Foundation
  3. Mr. Kiran Thapa Magar, Central Department of Zoology, TU, Kirtipur

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