News & Activities

SEN to present Centennial projects at AGU Fall Meeting-2019

The Small Earth Nepal (SEN) has been participating and presenting its research outcomes to a wider scientific community through the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting since 2014. AGU celebrated 2019 as Centennial Year to commemorate 100 years of its establishment. As a part of the celebration, AGU provided small grants to 100 innovative projects worldwide to engage various community people with science. Ms. Suju Nepal and Mr. Jeeban Panthi from SEN were awarded that grant earlier this year. They presented their project activities and outcomes at a special Centennial Session at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, the USA in December 2019.  Ms. Nepal’s presentation was about an educational campaign to beat the air pollution in Kathmandu, Nepal. The campaign was organized to celebrate the World Environment Day 2019.  Ms. Suju Nepal was awarded the prestigious Berkner Travel Fellowship by AGU to present her work from Nepal. The abstract of her talk is available at the AGU Website.

Photo: Ms. Suju Nepal presenting SEN activities on air pollution

Likewise, Mr. Jeeban Panthi shared some of the findings of the rainwater harvesting mobile application project from the Karnali River Basin in Nepal. His talk was mainly focused on communicating the state of the science in water harvesting technology by developing cutting edge technology (Mobile Application). Jeeban’s abstract is available on the AGU webpage. AGU Fall Meeting, therefore, was a great opportunity to share our research outcomes and meet people with similar interests, discuss the research and build a network for future collaborations.

Photo: Mr. Jeeban Panthi presenting rainwater harvesting mobile application project from the Karnali River Basin in Nepal

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