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Rescheduled Webinar on ”Groundwater Governance and Water Security under Changing Environment”

The Small Earth Nepal (SEN), in collaboration with the Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (CDHM), Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Management Board (KVWSMB), Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), AIT Alumni Association of Nepal, Society of Hydrologists and Meteorologists – Nepal (SOHAM-Nepal), International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), is organizing the webinar on ‘Groundwater Governance and Water Security under Changing Environment’ by Professor Sangam Shrestha on 16th October 2020.

Dr. Sangam Shrestha is a Professor and Chair of Water Engineering and Management Program at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand. He is also a Visiting Faculty of Beijing Normal University in China, University of Yamanashi, Japan, National University of Laos, and SEI Associate of Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). His research interests are within the field of hydrology and water resources including, climate change impact assessment and adaptation in the water, integrated water resources management, and groundwater assessment and management. Dr. Shrestha has published more than 125 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and presented more than 80 conference papers ranging from hydrological modelling to climate change impacts and adaptation in the water sector. His recent book publications include Climate Change and Water Resources (CRC Press), Managing Water Resources under Climate Uncertainty (Springer), Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Principles and Practices (AGU- Wiley), and Groundwater Environment in Asian Cities (Elsevier). His present work responsibilities at AIT include delivering lectures at the postgraduate and undergraduate levels, supervising research to postgraduate students (Masters and Doctoral), and providing consulting services on water and environment-related issues to government and donor agencies and research institutions. He has conducted several projects relating to water resources management, climate change impacts, and adaptation with awards from International organizations such as ADB, APN, CIDA, EU, FAO, IFS, IGES, SEI, UNEP, UNESCO, WB. He is also serving in the advisory committee of several international organizations and editorial board members of several international journals. Dr. Shrestha has been awarded the ‘Distinguished Research Leader Award’ in 2015 and 2019 at AIT.


Time: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM

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