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Professional Development Training on Climate Resilient Water Infrastructure

The Small Earth Nepal (SEN) organized an 8-day capacity building training program ‘Professional Development Training on Climate Resilient Water Infrastructure’ for Engineers and Technicians from 26 March to 2 April 2024 at Pension Vasana Hotel, Kathmandu. Having similar geographical terrains and impacts of climate change, both the mountainous countries, Nepal and Bhutan have similar challenges to resilient infrastructure development. This training program enhanced the capacity of the participants and provided opportunities to exchange ideas for climate-resilient water infrastructure. A total of 22 participants (13 engineers, 8 technicians, and a project manager) from the Royal Government of Bhutan attended the program.

The program was inaugurated on 26 March with an opening session Chaired by Dr. Churna Bahadur Wali, Director General of the Department of Water Resources and Irrigation (DWRI), Government of Nepal. The Chief Guest for the event was Dr. Pema Gyamtsho, Director General of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD). Other dignitaries were Dr. Madan Lall Shrestha, Academician from the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Er. Mahendra Bahadur Gurung, a member of the Public Procurement Review Committee under the Prime Minister’s Office and former Joint Secretary at the Ministry of Irrigation, Government of Nepal, and Dr. Dhiraj Pradhananga, an Associate Professor at Tribhuvan University and President of SEN.

The training program covered essential topics for understanding and addressing climate change impacts on water resources and infrastructure. Participants delved into hydrological processes, climate adaptation, and mitigation approaches, gained insights into climate-resilient water infrastructure design and operational management. Policy provisions, private sector involvement, and nature-based solutions were explored alongside construction management concepts, risk management, sustainable operations, and quality assurance measures. The technical sessions imparted theoretical knowledge as well as case studies on climate resilience infrastructures from Nepal delivered by senior experts representing officials from the Government, Universities and Academic sectors. The participants visited sites to ICIMOD’s Living Mountain Lab, Godavari; Traditional Stone Spouts and Ponds at Patan area in Lalitpur; and Melamchi Drinking Water Project at Sindhupalchowk.The participants expressed their gratitude for the knowledge gained in the technical sessions and the on-site experience.

Review and reflections of the overall training program was conducted with the participants on the last day (2 April) along with distribution of certificates. Er. Mahendra Bahadur Gurung, Advisor SEN with his final remarks ended the program.

Field visit to the ICIMOD’s Living Mountain Lab, Godavari


Field visit at the intake of Melamchi Drinking Water Project, Sindhupalchowk

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