The final sharing workshop (22-23 February) of the regional project Floating Treatment Wetland System (FTWS) funded by the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) was successfully concluded at the Central University of Rajasthan (CURAJ), Rajasthan in India. The workshop gathered country project teams from Dhaka University (DU) from Bangladesh, CURAJ from India, The Small Earth Nepal (SEN), and Tribhuvan University (TU) from Nepal. There were 43 participants in total (M: 24, F:19) which included Collaborators and Professors, Postgraduate Students, and Officials from CURAJ. The first day of the workshop focused on sharing the project results followed by detailed discussions, and the second day focused discussions on the way forward and future collaborations among the participating institutions. The workshop was organized by CURAJ in close coordination with SEN, TU, and DU.
Prof. Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Project Collaborator (CURAJ) initiated the program welcoming the participants and highlighting the workshop objectives. Session chaired by Prof. Dr. Deepak Aryal, Project Collaborator (TU), and Prof. Dr. Rajesh Kumar (CURAJ), each country’s team presented the progress and results of the project followed by interactive discussions amongst the participants. Prof. Sadhana Pradhanang Kayastha, Project Proponent (SEN), and Ayaswori Byanju, Research Assistant (SEN) presented the project updates from Nepal while Mr. Abir Mahmud and Ms. Munira Nusrat, Research Assistants (DU) presented the updates from Bangladesh. Prof. Dr. Rajesh Kumar presented the updates from India. Prof. Dr. Rajesh Kumar and Prof. Dr. Deepak Aryal both highlighted the achievements of the project implementations in each country and the need for collaborative efforts.
Another session on the reporting requirements of the project was chaired by Prof. Sadhana Pradhanang Kayastha. Mr. Bhawani S. Dongol, Executive Director (SEN), and Ms. Ayaswori Byanju presented and discussed the technical and financial reporting requirements with the country teams.
Dr. Devesh Sharma, Associate Professor, Dean, and Head of the Department of Atmospheric Science (CURAJ) had positive remarks on collaborative research on pollutant remediation of water sources. He added this project helped in identifying and addressing pollution in water sources and informing stakeholders and communities. He further welcomed collaboration and research opportunities between the project teams. Prof. Laxmi Kant Sharma, Professor and Head of the Department of Environmental Science (CURAJ), thanked all the participants and closed the sharing session on the first day.
Second day, Dr. Dhiraj Pradhananga, President (SEN) and Associate Professor (TU), delivered a presentation on potential collaboration and opportunities amongst the partnering institutions. The discussion session was facilitated by Prof. Dr. Rajesh Kumar and Dr. Dhiraj Pradhananga. The discussions came up with many ideas and suggestions from the participants in terms of collaboration in research projects towards water resources, climate change, and environmental issues in the coming days.
This workshop was successful in sharing the results, experiences, and learning of the project and more importantly, developing the capacity of the early career researchers and enhancing regional collaboration.
SEN and CURAJ signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for further collaboration with a focus on research and capacity building in the region. SEN and CURAJ exchanged the MOU in the presence of Prof. Anand Bhalerao, Vice Chancellor of CURAJ, and Dr. Dhiraj Pradhananga, President of SEN with faculty members of CURAJ and the collaborating members from Nepal. This is one of the major outcomes of the project with support from APN in enhancing and extending collaborations amongst the regional partners.