News & Activities

NNWWW 2021

Nepal National Water and Weather Week (NNWWW), 2021

Nepal has been celebrating the World Water Day (WWD) and the World Meteorological Day (WMD) together in the form of Nepal National Water and Weather Week (NNWWW) since 2009 under the leadership of the Government of Nepal encompassing various water and environment-related government, non-government and international organizations along with private sectors, universities, and media houses. The events are celebrated under the chairmanship of the Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS) with the Small Earth Nepal (SEN) as the Secretariat since 2009.

This event takes place every year from March 17 to 23 organizing policy dialogues, research seminars, and awareness campaigns to encompass larger stakeholders of water and weather. The major objectives of the event are to raise awareness about the importance of freshwater among all stakeholders, provide a common platform to the researchers, planners, policymakers, implementers, students, and water users to share the findings, issues, and ideas so as to help achieve the SDG goals no. 6 and 13 by 2030, expand and consolidate the expanse of mutual cooperation, coordination and collaboration (3Cs) to make the campaign even more effective.

In the week-long event, professionals, academicians, researchers, and bureaucrats are provided with conducive forums to share their knowledge, research findings, and policy recommendations. For almost a decade, each year, this event has been of tremendous success in creating a vibrant platform where the exchange of ideas and views, networking among water-related stakeholders, and the emergence of further research ideas are explored.

The theme for the Year 2021

The theme of World Water Day, 2021 as announced by UN-Water is “Valuing water’’

The theme of World Meteorological Day, 2021 is “The Ocean, Our Climate and weather

Date Programs
17-19 March Women in STEM: Application of Open Access Tools for Water Resource Management
22 March World Water Day 2021 Celebration, March 22

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