News & Activities

Implementation of CSA technologies by farmers

Addressing climate change impacts on agriculture by farmers and adopting the recent technologies for adaptation by the smallholder farmers is very challenging. Adoption of the climate-smart technologies for vegetable farming depends on the farmers’ knowledge, preferences, and willingness to pay, and also on their economic condition. Therefore, this project has been designed for building capacity, knowledge dissemination, and technologies transfer regarding climate-smart agriculture to the smallholder farmers.

After providing the training, 25 smallholder female farmers were provided a package of improved vegetable seed varieties, jute for mulching, drip irrigation kits, biochar formation machines. The 12 types of improved vegetable seed varieties (Cauliflower, Mustard, Carrot, Radish, White turnip, Coriander, Spinach, Chamsur, Souf, Methi, Pakchoy, Pumpkin) that are suitable for the project area were identified after the consultation with the agro vets and the experts. All the 25 beneficiary farmers have used the CSA technologies in their farms.


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