On 14 December 2022, The Small Earth Nepal (SEN) in collaboration with Nagdaha Conservation Committee, Lalitpur Metropolitan City Ward 24, Nagdaha Youth Club, and Nagdaha Football Club launched the field installation of Floating Treatment Wetland System rafts at Nagdaha lake. This is part of the research project “Floating Treatment Wetland System (FTWS) – Sustainable green technology to remediate the polluted surface water bodies in the COVID-19 era” being implemented by SEN and funded by Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN), Japan.
The program was moderated by Ms. Nicky Shree Shrestha (Program Development Coordinator, SEN). Mr. Chiri Babu Maharjan (Mayor, Lalitpur Metropolitan City) graced the program as Chief Guest, and Mr. Dinesh Jung Pandey (Chairperson, Ward-24, Lalitpur Metropolitan City) chaired the program. Ms. Kamala Mali (Secretary, Nagdaha Conservation Committee) was a special guest of the program. Mr. Bhawani S. Dongol (Executive Director, SEN) welcomed all the participants and provided a brief summary of SEN and the project. Ms. Ayaswori Byanju (Research Assistant, SEN) presented the project and FTWS technology including the floating rafts which informed participants to better understand the subject.
Mr. Chiri Babu Maharjan, in his remarks, highlighted the importance of such youth-empowered eco-friendly innovative research and development projects for the betterment of the city. His optimism towards the project was further allured by the simple, cheap yet highly effective water treatment technology. He further committed to supporting in continuation and upscaling of the FTWS technology in other water bodies of Lalitpur Metropolitan City. Mr. Dinesh Jung Pandey provided his remarks on the project’s innovation. Mr. Pandey expressed his enthusiasm toward the FTWS technology. He was delighted to help provide any form of support for the project’s success.
Finally, the Mayor of Lalitpur Metropolitan City, Ward Chairperson of Ward 24, Lalitpur Metropolitan City, and Secretary of the Nagdaha Conservation Committee formally planted saplings of floating plants in the raft and launched it in Nagdaha. SEN will follow the installation of the remaining rafts in the lake.
Formal launch of the installation of Floating Treatment Wetland System (FTWS) rafts in Nagdaha lake14th December 2022
On 14 December 2022, The Small Earth Nepal (SEN) in collaboration with Nagdaha Conservation Committee, Lalitpur Metropolitan City Ward 24, Nagdaha Youth Club, and Nagdaha Football Club launched the field installation of Floating Treatment Wetland System rafts at Nagdaha lake. This is part of the research project “Floating Treatment Wetland System (FTWS) – Sustainable green technology to remediate the polluted surface water bodies in the COVID-19 era” being implemented by SEN and funded by Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN), Japan.
The program was moderated by Ms. Nicky Shree Shrestha (Program Development Coordinator, SEN). Mr. Chiri Babu Maharjan (Mayor, Lalitpur Metropolitan City) graced the program as Chief Guest, and Mr. Dinesh Jung Pandey (Chairperson, Ward-24, Lalitpur Metropolitan City) chaired the program. Ms. Kamala Mali (Secretary, Nagdaha Conservation Committee) was a special guest of the program. Mr. Bhawani S. Dongol (Executive Director, SEN) welcomed all the participants and provided a brief summary of SEN and the project. Ms. Ayaswori Byanju (Research Assistant, SEN) presented the project and FTWS technology including the floating rafts which informed participants to better understand the subject.
Mr. Chiri Babu Maharjan, in his remarks, highlighted the importance of such youth-empowered eco-friendly innovative research and development projects for the betterment of the city. His optimism towards the project was further allured by the simple, cheap yet highly effective water treatment technology. He further committed to supporting in continuation and upscaling of the FTWS technology in other water bodies of Lalitpur Metropolitan City. Mr. Dinesh Jung Pandey provided his remarks on the project’s innovation. Mr. Pandey expressed his enthusiasm toward the FTWS technology. He was delighted to help provide any form of support for the project’s success.
Finally, the Mayor of Lalitpur Metropolitan City, Ward Chairperson of Ward 24, Lalitpur Metropolitan City, and Secretary of the Nagdaha Conservation Committee formally planted saplings of floating plants in the raft and launched it in Nagdaha. SEN will follow the installation of the remaining rafts in the lake.